
i am

Frontend Developer · Frontend Developer ·
My Projects

Hi, I'm Spencer.
I Build for the Web

A Malaysia-based Frontend Developer with 4 years of experience in the web industry, specializing in crafting UX-friendly, responsive, and high-performance websites. Proficient in technologies ranging from WordPress custom theme development to modern frameworks like React and Next.js. Passionate about leveraging cutting-edge tools and frameworks to build scalable, user-centered applications that make a lasting impact.

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Frontend Development

ReactNextjsTypescriptJavascriptTailwindCSSCSSSASS/SCSSHTMLBootstrap 4/5

Tools & Frameworks

StorybookJSGitLab CI/CDDockerViteWebpackGulp

Design & Collaboration

FigmaAdobe XDUI/UX DesignDesign SystemsResponsive Design

API Integration & Backend

Axiostanstack-queryStrapiWordPress CMSAWSNextAuthPHPGoDjango

SEO & Performance Optimization

SEOCode RefactoringClean Code
